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raymond chong
eighteen years old
10th march 1990
currently studying @ nyp


June 2008
July 2008
January 2009
March 2009


` ziqi
Jing Sheng
Qiu Ting
Wei Siong


Thursday, July 31, 2008 10:27 PM

Phat Nite V end!

Phat Nite V is offcially over...(like for 6 days =.='')
I feel that the event can be better and i'm not satisfied with the outcome of the event..maybe i am just over ambitious..i dunnoe..however i heard good response from the seniors and participants all well.One of the senior said "It was better than last year Phat Nite."
Participant A was saying "If they organise this every Friday i can dun go clubbing liao!!"Participant B was saying "wa high sia!!!"
haha...that was really encouraging..however they were oso some bad comments..nvm..bound to have it..well i basically tank the whole event and i was mentality prepared for it..was greatful to my committee members for being mentally strong and put up with alot of shit jobs during the event. THANK YOU!

Publication Team
Thanks alot for those who stayed behind to finis the backdrop and ticketing problem.ESP husna..gosh!!are u superwomen?lol...i like your work attitude!as for maurice...thanks for swearing with my in private when u are pissed!LOL!Kiana preet and camilia..thanks for work ur life out for the event day..i noe it was very extremely stressful!!

Logistic Team
Zhen Yi, Huifen, Jin xian and Chor hong, without u guys buying the materials Phat Nite V will confirm GG!not glamour glaze but is good game!!HAHA!Jie ying thanks for purchasing the trash bag and bringing the dispenser!!HAHA!!

Crowd Control Team
Kok leong..thanks for take my shit during the event day and u certainly was an outstanding CC IC,HAHA!but u handle it very well!!cheers!Shu Hui Aka 150cm gal...u too handle the stuff well with kok two man show crowd control!u guys rox!u guys are better than any CC dept of any event..with the total strength tow!u guys can still make a difference.

Food & Beverage Team
Zhi yi...oways so many complain!!LOL!like aunty sia!!thanks alot!ur dept is the only dept i dun realli nid to worry man!!Daphne, Yong Kuang Clarrissa and Alicia thanks for mixing the drinks as if your life depends on it!!HAHA!

My pleasure to run this event with u...and stop eating la!HAHA!
Last but not least...i need to thank my Event Advisors for guiding me and not pressurising me at all..i din let u guys down huh...=) i will remember the sentence u guys gave to me in the assured.

Fierce no nonsence bouners~!! RAWR!!!

Thats all folks!wish my committee members all the best in whatever they do~! =)

Monday, July 21, 2008 10:07 AM


WOOHOO!TZQ BACK!!=)))))))))))))))
Love u bb gal! yeah!

3 more days to phat nite v..Anything si still ok...but pub side..hmmm..need to buckup...
Receuve this stupid email from a committee member saying he wants to quit as issues.Always says he cannot receive sms about meeting(which is obviously a lie), doing projects and have other event to go.I told him i will give him another chance to stay in the committee if he come for the next meeting and event.he said ok..but in the end he was such a loser and first he told me he needed cca point so he wants to join my event..fine..ok.

Made a deal with him
1) Monday no PNV for him (he got another event)
2)Tuesday Thursday Friday (PNV)
3)win win situation (he gets cca point i get a successful event)

But he keeps complaining he got other event to run, which shows that he is a cca point greedy asshle who only wans to be a free rider and do nothing..bitch...told me he had to attend planning stage of that event so he cant come.. BULLSHIT!i dun even see him in Phat Nite V planning stage.Bullshit and lies.come on, i will never ever believe those stupid excuses..=.=...even sucks at giving excuse..gosh..go take a diploma in Giving Excuses and Brain Management la..i dun care if he sees this post..because i wan to let everyone noe under Phat Nite theres no free rider but serious committee member..i will be strict on those free riders, if he cant take it, so be it.i have been very fair to the committee and that piece of trash..anyway..thanks for his 20bucks for the committee now i can work with people who really wans the event to be a success.yea..i was using him..give me 20bucks and off u go..

i noe is kind of bad i said this, but thinking of the fact that he threw the work to the rest of the committee and wans to bath in glory after the event...NO WAY!...u found the wrong In-Charge to mess with..well, simply from the another point of view..i am recognising the effort they put in from my committee member..=)

And for that Give-me-20 bucks guy...u fall for my mind games FUCK I AM GOOD! =)

Friday, July 18, 2008 9:33 AM

my tzq~!

ohh o~!
my tzq went to m'sia with her school..means no chatting on fone at nite..

Day 1 w/o TZQ: Boring
No love
Feel weird
Difficult to get myself to sleep..
Day 2w/o TZQ: All the above x2 =(

Luckily she made this chocolate bottle for me and filled it with M&M..thers hidden message inside the bloody sweet!

Friday, July 11, 2008 11:27 AM


Finish drawing the backdrop for Phat Nite V!thats seriously fast within half and hour and we manage to outline the design..even senior jeffrey was kind of shock when he heard we finish drawing the backdrop!LOL!good job!13 days more to Phat Nite V..hmmm..excited?of course..after next week everything will be done..everything is going according to plan for now..i m just feeling abit funny because i can see the other event seniors pushing the ICs and the committee but for mei am running a own time own target kind of thing...LOL!i dunnoe is it a good or bad sign..hmmmmm(ponders*)

Met tzq bro today at NYP..LOL!had a quick chat and find that he is quite friendly ehh..hmmm..the first thing i thought of when i saw him was..good gracious..he is the one who keeps singing like some opera singer when i'm on the fone with tzq..LOL~!

Monday, July 7, 2008 3:01 AM


good fren back~! =)

Bandzout over. Heard alot of negative remarks from the i can sum up is attitude problem?LOL...theres alot of people wondering will Phat Nite V be like this...of course is a big big NO! was really angry about not giving out the tickets for PNV..i noe there is a reason..of cuz..but in the end..we still have to give it out..nvm..

my tzq going KL next next week..take care ok!! =)buy something back for me..hehe..

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